Insight and Inclusion ~ 7 Dec 2015

In the next six weeks, the Sun and personal planets stretch to reach to distant galactic objects that offer insight, inspire tolerance and stimulate a wholesome one planet mentality. Properly propitiated, this could be great set of transits.

Granted some of these transits are annual occurrences that transpire approximately during the holiday season each year. The themes of peace of Earth and Good Will Toward Men, meaning women, animals and all living things prevail and this is the reason it is so strongly touted at this time of year. In the next weeks, cheer and cooperation intend to fill the airwaves and our glasses as the year changes. All it takes is conscious attention and consciousness responsiveness.

This transit pattern involves the galactic steering mechanisms out there. Our Sun revolves around our Galactic Center (27 Sagittarius). The Great Attractor (14 Sagittarius) drags our galaxy and super galaxy toward its nucleus, as well as an incomprehensible amount of other universal stuff. Grabbing all of the above is a galactic anomaly known as Shapley 8 (2 Scorpio).

As of right now, in orb, the Sun transits the Great Attractor territory, Mercury approaches to Galactic Center, and Venus aligns with Shapley 8.

Analyzing the components:

The Galactic Center inspires progress as it renders great ideas, technical innovation and philosophical understanding. Yet all these great things take time to wrap around once the sourcing idea appears. Typically a six to nine month lead time is required for the emotional adjustment to leading edge ideas, gizmos and consciousness.

The Great Attractor is massive - so massive it bends light such that an observer can see what is behind it. This brings a real time psychic instinct that permits knowing what’s just around the bend, over the next horizon, or cosmically imminent. As well, the Great Attractor emanates in all known electromagnetic frequencies, with nothing excluded. The representation being that all are welcome, and in fact, due to the immense gravity, the presence and attention of all is required.

Shapley 8 resonates with the idea of the “man behind the curtain.” There is a drawing power that seems unknown, feels invisible and yet has its hand on the throttle. Consider that Bill Gates, father of Windows, was born with the Sun aligned with this point. Few dare look into (or know how to) look into the guts of Windows, yet a huge share of all computers and gadgets run on the system, typically with the user having no idea of where the software points their electronic device.

In the moment, the impetus exists to do better with worldly matters, to seek and grasp greater insight and to invoke a welcoming and respectful approach and spirit toward all creation. And that’s not all. With each of these galactic traffic cop transits, each and every person on Earth, given they allow their consciousness to delve into these points, may:

Receive insights that clear up the energy behind “stuck” mundane matters.

Receive ideas for real world inventions, protocols or programs, with massive intellectual property implication.

Become tolerant and accepting toward all individuals regardless of the standard rejection things such as gender, age, religion, culture, race, economic status and whatever else one might use as a litmus to judge.

Sense awareness that perfectly positions a person to be in the right place and right time while clearly avoiding the wrong place/wrong time scenario.

Develop a sense of irresistible creative passion.

Remain open to and in compliance with greater galactic good regardless of comprehension in the moment.

This is not a one time shot in the next day or so. But in the next days we will see more reaction in the world to the actions of those who are religiously and culturally intolerant. When a Christian minister states that more guns can take care of the Muslim situation, and when ISIS decrees their intolerance, and when border disputes between countries and political ideologies cause death and mayhem, the galactic guides are not pleased. So they summon humankind’s consciousness.

Some individuals will rise up with viable solutions. Initially, they will be met with the time delay of collective consciousness as it seeks to understand the next evolutionary steps.

Through the end of this year and into the first three weeks of 2016, the galactic guides are working over time. Consider:

Sun to Galactic Center on December 18

Technological innovations and philosophic platforms download from above, available to all who dare reach in the cosmic cloud. Virtually anyone can be the next soul to track the next great idea and/or world-saving protocol.

Mars to Shapley 8 on January 7 (also the time when the Earth is closest to the Sun)

Pay particular attention to the tugs, pulls and bids for your attention that either differ from where you normally stand, or inspire you to reach deeper into your consciousness than ever before. If you dare dive in, asking every second along the way, “if I engage in this will the outcome become better and more magnificent than anything I have ever been able to conjure?” If yes, proceed.

Venus to Great Attractor on January 10, with Saturn in orb

This is a time when solutions to immigration and refugee crises around the world require solutions that include instead of reject. This is a time when restricted movement must be placed on those who would do harm, and only those who would do harm. Theological and cultural tolerance must be cultivated. Specialize in understanding why those with views differing from yours actually believe what you believe to be nonsense.

Personally, this is a magnificent time to recognize and savor all skills, talents and personal assets. By such recognition and gathering all goodies into one place, the gravitational density of the talents of the soul permit a clear view of the next, previously unseen, step to take.

Venus to Galactic Center Jan 21

Did you do your download duty? If so, now is the time to plan out how to put those ideas in motion and invoke the newly acquired ideas and talents. If monetizing is required, this is a major value pitch time. Yes, Mercury is retrograde. That’s merely a pesky matter. Do your homework. State accurate “facts” only. Be clear, confident and convinced.

That’s it for now. There will be more soon.